We serve families who have preschool and school-age children who may need to supplement school-based services when school services may not be enough. During the pandemic, if your child has regressed in some skills we can offer the help needed to get them back on track!
Our Services
“Focus on the Joy!”
Joyfilled Expressions

“I became a speech-language pathologist to continue to make a positive impact on the children that I work with.”
- Sha’Laina Sample, MS, CCC-SLP

Student Observation Testimony
I am happy to write about my amazing experience with shadowing Sha'Laina. As a woman of color who is trying to enter the field of speech language pathology, I was excited to come across Sha'Laina's instagram page. I took the initiative to contact her to gain more insight about the field from her experience as a woman of color herself, and she has kindly offered me the opportunity to shadow her wonderful clients. Prior to shadowing Sha'Laina, I was very indecisive about what field I wanted to enter, but I believe that God has placed Sha'Laina in my presence to help guide me towards the path that I feel I am meant to be! In comparison to shadowing other SLPs in my area, Sha'Laina has outshined all of them. She has made me feel included and was always happy to share a lot about her clients that she treats so that I can gain a better understanding from her treatments. However, Sha'Laina did not need to explain anything because her work speaks for itself! Her therapy techniques were very outstanding and I was inspired by how much she knew about her clients and her field of study overall. Sha'Laina makes teletherapy feel exciting and even when her clients are not as motivated to engage in therapy in the beginning, her positive spirit allows her clients to become more motivated and confident in their ability to progress in their goals of communication. I knew that Sha'Laina was an excellent SLP when she has shared with me how one of her non verbal clients has transitioned from his AAC device and is making progress with his verbal communication. Her patience and compassion for her clients are what every SLP should possess because it makes a huge difference in clients' success. I always find myself smiling really hard behind the screen because every time I have shadowed Sha'Laina, I have heard some level progress from all of her clients. I have felt a sense of connection with her clients virtually and I hope to make those same connections when I become a SLP. Sha'Laina would be a stellar supervisor and anyone would be lucky to be treated by her.
Mercedes Crawford,
Speech Pathology Student